About Us

We could write a thousand pages of “About Us” and bore you for hours with egocentric text like other websites. Actually “About Us” is About You, the customer is the most important piece of this gigantic puzzle of business. We have learned that long ago.

In 2001 we began to build business relationships and market knowledge in this sector. To date and after all these long years, the conclusion is that our customers are the most precious treasure.

We conduct business honestly, ethically and with the belief in good planning, hard work, transparency and good communication. We learn who to trust and who to become friends with only after getting to know the person.

We are dedicated to establishing a long-term relationship with all our clients and it is our dedication to keep them so. We are proud to have a large number of small and large customers nationwide and internationally. Helping them to market a wide variety of merchandise, and always doing our best to give them a great service, regardless of their purchasing power.

We believe that all our customers are different. Some are well established in business with multiple retail outlets and warehouses of their own, and some are just starting out with small capital.

We make every effort to accommodate the needs of all customers, from those with small budgets to those stocking a whole chain of stores. Communication is a key and we pride ourselves with important and valuable information to make your buying experience comfortable, knowledgeable, pleasurable, but more importantly, offer you merchandise at huge discounted prices.

We communicate with large manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, but always maintaining a personal relationship with the humble of a small family business. Our loyalty , strong relationships with manufacturers and distributors systematically translate great value and quality products to our customers. While our merchandise consists of over 10,000 different items. We are constantly working to add new products and improve the old ones in order to keep up with the changing trends in the market .

As online wholesalers and suppliers of wholesale products, our extremely competitive pricing brings to your business more profit! Perfect for retail stores, convenience stores, dollar stores, kiosks, flea markets, online retailers, eBay sellers, Amazon sellers, large and small businesses, promotional product distributors, and much more.

At Smartloadusa.com we trust in a simple recipe Let’s be friends first so we can be successful in business then, based on mutual respect we will always go further.


SKU: 106138 PK: 18
$1.25$1.06 /lb Pack Cost: $19.08
SKU: 104855 PK: 12
$0.91$0.72 /lb Pack Cost: $8.64
SKU: 104959 PK: 12
$0.91$0.72 /lb Pack Cost: $8.64
SKU: 105167 PK: 12
$0.91$0.75 /lb Pack Cost: $9.00
SKU: 138988 PK: 32
$1.55$1.48 /lb Pack Cost: $47.36
SKU: 138995 PK: 32
$1.55$1.48 /lb Pack Cost: $47.36
SKU: 139143 PK: 32
$1.55$1.48 /lb Pack Cost: $47.36
SKU: 138996 PK: 32
$1.55$1.48 /lb Pack Cost: $47.36
SKU: 138997 PK: 24
$1.55$1.48 /lb Pack Cost: $35.52
SKU: 138998 PK: 24
$1.55$1.48 /lb Pack Cost: $35.52
SKU: 108500 PK: 15
$1.55$1.37 /lb Pack Cost: $20.55
SKU: 103466 PK: 15
$1.55$1.37 /lb Pack Cost: $20.55